Dating Photo Client Interview: Sarah

Meet Sarah!

Sarah began looking for a dating profile photographer after attending a women's retreat and cracking open a new chapter of her life amidst a pandemic. She wanted her dating photos to more accurately reflect who she is now, not who she was. After a chat on the phone I knew Sarah and I were kindred spirits and we began cooking up plans for a dating photo session that would feature Sarah doing some of the things she loves most (like yoga and hiking).

Sarah ended up booking a Whole 9 Dating Photo Session. We met up at Uptown Espesso and started our adventure just a few blocks from Sarah's house in West Seattle. After exploring the shops and alleys along California Ave for a bit we headed down to Alki for some summer vibes and yoga on the beach action. We wrapped up Sarah's day of dating profile photography at the beautiful Schmitz Preserve.

It was February so it was cold but other than that we got the most amazing weather for Sarah's new dating photos--blue skies and sun all the way!

This is what Sarah had to say a couple weeks after receiving her new dating profile photos...

dating profile photographer for women Portland

Andrea: What made you decide to hire a professional dating photographer? 

Sarah: I had decided I wanted to make finding a partner a priority in my life, and then the pandemic happened. It was several months before I felt like I had the bandwidth to put up a dating profile. I was on a dating app in the fall and met some nice guys online the first time around. Even though all of my dating photos had been taken within the past two years, almost all of them were from before the pandemic. I took a break from the apps over the holidays, and then decided in 2021 that I was going to give online dating a shot again. I wanted to invest in dating profile photos that showed me looking like the best version of my current self.

Andrea: What made you choose me as your dating photographer?

Sarah: I got good vibes from what I read on your website and was very impressed with the photos that I saw! The examples of “before” and “after” photos helped me feel confident that your goal was to help people look like the best version of their true self. I even saw a guy I had matched with in your portfolio! Even though he and I hadn’t gone beyond messaging on the dating app, I remembered him because he was kind and direct in his communication. I figured that was a good sign! 

Dating App profile Pic at beach

Andrea: OMG I love that you matched with one of my former dating photo clients--what a small world! So, once you hired me for dating profile photography, how did you feel? What were you nervous about before the photo shoot?

Sarah: I really don’t like being photographed, and I have never felt particularly photogenic, so I spent a fair amount of time getting in the right mindset for the experience. I made sure I was being extra kind to myself/diligent about self-care in the days leading up to the shoot so that I would look and feel my best. I was hoping that I would at least get enough photos to put up a dating profile (I ended up with way more than enough). I was also nervous that my outfits would not photograph well. I decided to add a Zoom Style Consult to my session and I’m so glad I did! Spending an hour with you on Zoom really helped me organize my outfits, and it also helped break the ice with you and calm some of my nerves before the shoot. I have had multiple friends express surprise that my photos were taken on the same day – that’s how efficient we were with outfit changes. 

Portland dating profile photographer

Andrea: Oh totally--I like the Zoom Style Consults for those same reasons! By the time we meet up for your dating photo session it feels like we already know each other. Ok so once we met up and started shooting your new dating profile did you feel?

Sarah: It felt great to have a reason to dress up! I’ve spent so much of the last year wearing scrubs at work or yoga pants when not at work. I also loved how encouraging you were – you seemed happy with how the shoot was going, which helped me relax. I felt like I could trust you with the process. This is clearly something you are an expert in. You were open to suggestions and ideas I had, but I felt very comfortable letting you run the show – this is your wheelhouse.

yoga dating profile photo

Andrea: Girl...I LOVED how the shoot was going! I was having so much fun with you! And I'm so glad you trusted me as your dating photographer. So, fast forward about a week and you receive your dating profile photo gallery. How did you feel when you first saw your pics?

Sarah: I was super impressed with the quality of the photos, and so were my family and friends who saw them.

In some ways it was startling to see photos of myself after a year of mostly selfies and wearing a mask. My hair color has even changed. But this was exactly why I wanted these photos – this is how I look now, and it’s helped me to love and accept myself exactly the way I am. 

My goal was to have enough photos to put up on a dating profile, and we more than accomplished that goal.

Andrea: YES YES YES! This makes me so happy. And I can't resist asking...What has happened for you since your dating photo shoot? How do you feel as you reflect on the experience?

Sarah: It’s been such a game changer. My profile has gotten a lot of “likes.” I have the fortunate problem of having to pace myself with app conversations and dates (there are too many to keep up with!).

It's not easy navigating dating in general, let alone during a pandemic, so it feels fantastic to have recent photos that accurately depict who I am and what my lifestyle is like. I also think that feeling good about how I look on my profile positively impacts the way I show up in my interactions with matches.

I am so grateful that I found you Andrea! I’m very satisfied with my decision to hire you as my dating profile photographer. I don’t even feel attached to needing to meet someone on a dating app for this experience to have been “worth it” for me. This was an investment in myself. Plus, our conversation during the photo shoot helped me feel more excited about getting back out there and dating. Thank you so much for making this an amazing experience from start to finish!

Andrea: You're so very welcome, Sarah! I'm not at all surprised that you're being bombarded by matches--you're a total babe! For me, one of the most magnetic qualities about so many of your photos is how grounded and in-the-moment you look; just totally effortless and radiant inside and out.

It was a total delight to be your dating profile photographer and I wish you all the best as your adventures in dating and life continue to evolve.

. . .

Does having photos that accurately capture who you are at this moment in time sound like the kind of investment you're ready for? Maybe for online dating apps and maybe just for...yourself? If so, I'd love to hear from you.

